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  • by The Squashist on Mar 20, 2011
    One of the better videos I've seen about the dedication behind our sport. Check this out:  
  • by The Squashist on Mar 20, 2011
    One of the better videos I've seen about the dedication behind our sport. Check this out:
  • by Tracy Gates on Mar 18, 2011
    I am sitting in the gallery of the racquets court at the Racquet and Tennis Club in New York. It is enormous and starkly beautiful, the floor and walls lined with thick slate that is a deep heavy...
  • by The Squashist on Mar 15, 2011
    Have you ever beat someone playing squash only to have your opponent be a sore loser? They might slouch off the court without a handshake, they may yell an obscenity and stomp off, or they may even...
  • by The Squashist on Mar 15, 2011
    Have you ever beat someone playing squash only to have your opponent be a sore loser? They might slouch off the court without a handshake, they may yell an obscenity and stomp off, or they may even...
  • by The Squashist on Mar 11, 2011
    Here's an article from the BBC on how colleges load foreign talent onto their teams in the hopes of dominating the sport. In this case, the sport is tennis: "No other American college sport has more...
  • by The Squashist on Mar 11, 2011
    Here's an article from the BBC on how colleges load foreign talent onto their teams in the hopes of dominating the sport. In this case, the sport is tennis: "No other American college sport has more...
  • by The Squashist on Mar 6, 2011
    It's great when new internet sites about squash crop up, and I try to troll around the web from time to time trying to find the latest stuff.  I recently got an email from a new site called Squash...
  • by The Squashist on Mar 6, 2011
    It's great when new internet sites about squash crop up, and I try to troll around the web from time to time trying to find the latest stuff.  I recently got an email from a new site called...
  • by Anonymous on Feb 25, 2011
    Hello M5.0 captains and co-captains, We hope you’re enjoying the season. You’ve played your last regular season match and on March 9 you’ll start New York Squash’s version of...