
Ok so you may have seen the latest squash clip doing the rounds on the web of me and my brother having a bit of a 'laugh'. And if you haven't, just YouTube: Taking a squash ball hit at 175mph. I recently clocked up 175mph on the speed gun at the US Open last week, which is the fastest hit ever recorded. For some reason this struck a chord with my brother.

There's over 160,000 hits on YouTube and there are some amazing comments from viewers to go with it. It's amazing how many people think that video is fake! Obviously they've never played squash before. Some say Morgan put a sticker on his back immediately after the hit, some say it hit his arm, some say the clip was edited and make-up was put in place. We had a good old laugh at these. Maybe people don't realise that it actually happens in a game of squash. I don't think a tennis ball would do as much damage as a squash ball. Well for starters, the clip would go for about 16 minutes to allow for drink breaks, towel breaks, bathroom breaks, etc.

The clip came about quite spontaneously actually. We were off to do some training together when my brother suggested the idea (he didn't lose a bet, crash my car or steal my stuff). Off we went to the club. Needless to say, it only took one take! I kept asking him if he was sure he wanted to do this, he keep saying make sure you hit me in the middle of the back. Consider it done.

Obviously it was all done in good fun and we found it pretty hilarious ourselves. Some people are saying, oh what if you hit him in the neck or kidneys, you might have killed him! I hit squash balls for a living, I'm not going to miss his back from 2 metres away.

Now my brother tweeted the other day something about 'looking forward to making the sequel". I'm not sure what he has in that crazy head of his - apart from rocks - but he's definitely not riding over me on his bike!