Pilley In Philly

Last day in Philly for Pilley tomorrow. Unfortunately I had an early exit from the tournament, losing to Mossad first round, but it happens. So I jumped back up on the horse and had a few practice games with some other pro's who lost early. Tomorrow I'll be heading off to do the Rocky stairs - I mean, it would be an insult to everything Rocky if I didn't. I might have a little wander around the streets of Philly and see what's going on. From what I've seen so far I really like the city and could definitely come back more often.

I think the tournament itself was a standout from most of the other World Series events on Tour. Funny, everything I said in a previous post about making tournaments, 'events', was here at the US Open. It had games for the kids, speed gun, inflatable squash court, food areas, social areas, massive TV screens all over the place and a bar. Seeing as though this was the first year it has been run and held at Drexel, from a players point of view it was a success. I'll be back next year for sure, and hopefully to make it past the first bloody round!

Pilley in Philly