
It's been good to have about 2 weeks between tournaments, seeing as though the next 6 weeks is going to be ridiculous! I've been getting back to basics in training and also trying to get my hip right. It's been in pretty bad shape since half way through the World Teams so I've been attempting to get that sorted out.

It's a shame most of the major events of our season is packed into about 2 months but that's the way it is. If someone is unfortuate enough to be injured as the most important 2 months of the year is about to kick off - ala Borja Golan - it can destroy their ranking in the blink of an eye. Obviously people get injured all the time and it's just a matter of trying to recover as best they can, but it's sad that we don't have a proper season where major events are spread out over the course of the year.

The biggest, most important event of the year starts next week and all players involved will be gunning for the title of World Champion. Kuwait is the host this year and it promises to produce some entertaining matches. Hong Kong finished a week ago so everyone has at least had a few days to repair their bodies and head to Kuwait refreshed and ready to roll! Bring it.