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  • by Tracy Gates on May 5, 2010
    There are over 4,000 members of the MSRA. And 698 played on league teams this year. But only four of them won the prestigious Lehman and Fernandez awards for most improved player. As I happen to know...
  • by Tracy Gates on Apr 26, 2010
    The end of the league season is upon us. Later this week, we will see what squashmates look like in regular clothes at the MSRA league party; we will cheer as the plaques are distributed to the...
  • by The Squashist on Apr 25, 2010
    It's time for another look at what's doing at The Squashist's Opinion Emporium, made possible by our good friends at Urtak (accessible to the right of this blog, as well as here: Squash Urtak). So...
  • by The Squashist on Apr 19, 2010
    I read today on that Peter Nicol has decided to play in a racketball tournament, England's Dunlop National Racketball Championship, where he may end up playing 5-time winner Daryl...
  • by The Squashist on Apr 16, 2010
    There was quite a bit of interest in the idea of the 5-let rule (see here), which was recently given a test run at US Pro Squash's Franklin & Marshall Invitational Tournament. Many comments were...
  • by Tracy Gates on Apr 16, 2010
    During a round of drinks to celebrate our finals win against the Harvard Club, one of my teammates mused aloud that competing was perhaps too stressful to be worth doing. This was from the teammate...
  • by The Squashist on Apr 10, 2010
    For those who have read this blog for a while, you may know that I am a Swedish-American. I did not grow up speaking Swedish. Instead, I decided I wanted to learn more about my mother's country and...
  • by The Squashist on Apr 8, 2010
    James Zug has a great article in the just-received March issue of Squash Magazine about the backstory of Baset Chaudry's on-court meltdown. If you are a US Squash member you'll get the publication...
  • by The Squashist on Mar 30, 2010
    Several times in my career as a squash enthusiast I have dragged uninitiated sports fans to pro squash tournaments, assuring them that squash is a great spectator sport and they'll have a blast. Some...
  • by The Squashist on Mar 21, 2010
    The Squashist is not amused. Not happy. Pretty pissed off, even. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I've had a tough time lately with injuries. In the summer I experienced a torn rotator cuff, but after...