Ways NY Squash can Incorporate FourSquare

August 11, 2011 - 12:00am
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I confess that I actually don't use foursquare myself because I don't like people knowing where i am all the time; however lots of my friends are adamant 4SQ users and I've learned that it does have some useful purposes. My initial thoughts on how we as an organization would use foursquare is we would link it to our Facebook account and then every time there is a NY Squash event we want to publicize a board member would "check in" to that event, and when you check it automatically appears in our Facebook and twitter feeds. This is beneficial because anyone that follows us on twitter or is a member of the MSRA group will see in his or her feed that there's an NY squash event going on. For example: NY Squash just checked in to the Harvard Club and then we can post a message saying "watching Palmer play Illingworth. stop by!" and the 300+ people in Facebook will see in their feed that this event is going on. Another way we can use 4SQ is to promote specials and discounts. For example, if we held a round robin at uptown we could advertise "Holding a RR @SS in 4 hours. 11th Player to check in gets free entry to Hyder. Come Play." I highly recommend checking out this article on other useful ways to use foursquare. For that matter, The Next Web is an excellent website if you are unfamiliar with it. A good friend of mine is the east coast editor for the site and I highly recommend following her on twitter too. Her username is @CBM. She has like 4,000 followers i believe; she just tweets and writes on cool tech stuff all day long. In fact, she's one of the few reasons i use twitter; she's constantly pushing interesting new tech stuff i would have never found on my own. Enjoy.
