Goodbye Y

M'head-Swampscott YMCA 1910-2010

My old Y is no longer. Can’t quite believe that two of my most beloved sports clubs are gone within a month of each other. I grew up in this place. Learned how to swim. Do somersaults and round-offs. And swung my first squash racquet. I happened to drive by it about a week ago while visiting my mom, on the way to play squash in the new state-of-the-art YMCA on the other side of town. Didn’t know it was slated for the wrecking ball, or I would’ve stopped and taken a moment to thank it for all those happy, sweaty, chlorine scented years. The Marblehead-Swampscott YMCA was 100 years old last year: 1910-2010. Here’s the story and some sad demolition photos (squash court in right of photo) in my hometown newspaper…. Goodbye Y.