On to the Canadian Finals

Squash courts at the Glenora Royal Club in Edmonton

Squash courts at the Glenora Royal Club in Edmonton

A couple of impressions of my trip so far: 1) Squash Canada does a great job running a tournament; 2) The Glenora Royal Club is one of my favorite Clubs I’ve been to (on top of all of their offerings that I have already mentioned, I found the bowling alley today); 3) Canadians really do eat, sleep and breathe hockey. A coach getting fired has been national news for 3 days.

I played well today in my semi against Eric Raynor, a fellow American who made the trip up here.  Eric and I have played several times before, and I felt that if I kept the pressure on him and kept him moving that I would do well. I warmed up well and  started the match with a few extremely long points that set the tone that I would not be in a rush to end the point, but would impose tremendous pressure and make him work very, very hard.  I am happy to say that I won in 3 games and I am looking forward to the finals tomorrow.  I play a tricky player from Toronto who I played at the US Nationals.  Although I did well in our last match, I am well aware that he had me going the wrong way several times and he was very effective if he got an opening. I look forward to the finals.